The Wrangler Takes On Turbo With A Lot At Stake For Both Wrestlers - Publicdisgrace

6 years ago
Cheyenne Jewel" The Wrangler"Ht: 5'5" WT: 140lbsnot including this match Season W L record ( 0-0) Lifetime W L record (2-0)Tiffany Tyler"Turbo"Ht: 5'9" WT: 125lbsSeason W L record (0-0) Cheyenne "The Wrangler" Jewel is back after being on hiatus from U S for all of last season. She was busy traveling the entire US of A kicking the crap out of any man and or woman who dare to step up to her. She's back on the Ultimate Surrender mats against what some Adult Industry folk have awarded as the "hottest girl in porn", Tiffany "Turbo" Tyler. Tiffany spent the whole night before the shoot going over wrestling moves with her boyfriend. Will she make her dude proud and take home the "W" or will the Wrangler put yet another whore in her corral? A lot is at stake for both women in the match. If Cheyenne loses her first match back after such a long hiatus from US it will be a blow to her ego and could blow her chances of us ever having her back. If Tiffany loses she has to go home to her boyfriend and explain why she lost even after all his amazing coaching the night before.