Some people like to smell the roses. This guy likes to smell girls' panties. Dakota thinks it's a little weird when she catches him with his nose buried in her bloomers, but she's more than willing to let him sniff straight from the source. In fact, she lets him do more than just sniff. This frisky teen lets him get a taste too. Once his tongue is dancing on her clit, she wants more. And so does he. How could he not with such a tight, petite hottie like Dakota? She rides him, her pale, little booty jiggling as she bounces up and down his cock. After a 0-turn into reverse cowgirl, her tiny titties are pointing straight up as she moans and fucks. Dakota twerks on his dick in doggie-style, her butthole on full display. She gets on her back and we can see the sweat glistening on her chest between her tiny tits. The thrusting action quickens and leads to a creamy load all over Dakota's face. Looks like sniffing panties pays off. (18+)